Yale School of Environment has conducted research and issued EPI (2024) of the world on the basis of air pollution. The Air Pollution issue category (previously called "Acid Rain") measures countries' contribution and exposure to air pollution.
"It consists of two indicators measuring trends in the emissions of acid rain precursors (sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides), and two pilot indicators measuring exposure to ground-level ozone in a country's croplands and Key Biodiversity Areas".
A collage of events related to climate and weather: loss of glacial ice, wildfires, hurricanes, floods, and drought. (Image credit: NOAA) |
These days different coutries specially India and Pakistan are facing savere air pollution. In this regard, they are trying to overcome the air pollution through various measures as this pollution is causing different lungs diseases.
Let's get back to our topic. In this article i will showing the charts and will see which top 10 countries have maintained their air quality index and whose are suffering from air pollution. Firstly, i am sowing the EPI of top 10 countries whose score is magnificent and their population is enjoying safe and fresh air. If we see they are also most healthy and happy countries in the world.
TOP 10 Countries Whose Environmental Performance Index in respect of Air Pollution is Superb:
Following the top 10 countries whose nation is enjoying fresh and safe air. In this regard, top of the list is Dem. Rep. Congo, Gabon, Australia, Belgium, Luxembourg, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, Hungry and Austria.
Source: Yale School of Environment (EPI-2024) |
BOTTOM 10 Countries Whose Environmental Performance Index in respect of Air Pollution is Question Mark?:
Following the Bottom 10 countries whose nation is badly impacting from bad and pollutted air. In this regard, top of the list is Sao Tome and Principe, Seychelles, Djibouti, Laos, Nepal, Cambodia, Cabo Verde, Bangladesh, Maynmar and Vietnam.
Source: Yale School of Environment (EPI-2024) |
Below are some charts about air pollution score by Country and region
Air Pollution by Country:
Source: Yale School of Environment (EPI-2024) |
Air Pollution by Eastern Region:
Source: Yale School of Environment (EPI-2024) |