What is carbon footprint? - Types, Calculation, and Its Environmental Impact

A carbon footprint is a measure of the impact our activities have on the environment, and in particular climate change. It relates to the amount of greenhouse gases (GHG) produced in our day-to-day lives through burning fossil fuels for electricity, heating and transportation etc so 

Carbon Footprint and their types

What is Carbon footprint? 

The total amount of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for which an individual or organization is responsible. Usually expressed in equivalent tons of carbon dioxide (CO2).

Countries With The Highest Carbon footprint 

Countries With The Highest Carbon footprint

Types of Carbon Footprint:  

There are different type of Carbon Footprint but i will discuss:

1. Primary Carbon Footprint 

Primary carbon footprint also known as direct emssion of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Greenhouse gasses (GHGs) by human activities. This is a measure of how much carbon dioxide is given out directly by energy consumption ( individual, household, or organization) so you are in control of this type of carbon footprint. 

2. Secondary Carbon Footprint 

Secondary carbon footprint is known as indirect emssion of Carbon dioxide (CO2) and Greenhouse gasses (GHGs) due to production, transportation, and consumption of goods and services. This is a measure of carbon dioxide given out that is not under your control by products you consume.

Classifying Carbon Footprint Activity Carbon Footprints 

Classifying Carbon Footprint Activity Carbon Footprints

Why Calculate A Carbon Footprint? 

Two reasons for an organisation to calculate its carbon footprint: 
  1. To manage the footprint and reduce emissions over time. 
  2. To report the footprint accurately to a third party. 

1. To manage the footprint and reduce emissions over time.

To manage the footprint and reduce emissions over time Opportunities for reduction can be identified and prioritized. This approach is relatively quick and straightforward. More focusing on the areas of greatest savings potential.

2. To report the footprint accurately to a third party. 

 Organizations increasingly want to calculate their carbon footprint. The reasons are:

  • For Marketing and/or Corporate Social Responsibility purposes. 
  • To fulfill requests from business or retail customers, or from investors.
  • To ascertain what level of emissions they need to offset in order to become 'carbon neutral'.

How to Calculate A Carbon Footprint ? 

A basic approach to carbon footprinting

• Calculation of a basic carbon footprint is a fairly quick exercise. 
• There are many simple calculators available on the web. 
• Cover direct emissions but exclude some of the indirect emissions. 
• There are usually a handful of major emissions sources that must be quantified, including:
1.Onsite fuel usage 
2.Onsite electricity usage 
3.Use of transport which you own.

Key Information To Calculate Carbon Footprint 

  • Collect data from all utility meters. 
  • Record the distances travelled by the organization's vehicles. 
  • Convert the fuel, electricity and transport consumption figures to CO₂ by using the standard emissions factors. 
Once the basic carbon footprint has been established, it is then possible to take steps to manage the emissions: 
  • Set and agree efficiency or emissions reduction targets. 
  • Identify likely opportunities for efficiency or emissions reduction. 
  • Prioritize the opportunities, based on environmental or financial criteria.
  • Take action to implement the opportunities. 
  • Monitor the performance of the actions taken and improve as necessary. 

Impact of Carbon Footprint on Environment 

Carbon footprints have a huge and wide-ranging environmental impact on all aspects of the world, from biodiversity and climate systems to human health and economic stability. In order to reduce climate change and stop severe environmental harm, carbon footprints must be reduced.

In order to do this, we must:
  • Reduce back on direct emissions (Scope 1), including energy and transportation-related emissions.
  • Use energy-efficient technologies and renewable energy sources to maximize indirect emissions (Scope 2).
  • Reduce waste, embrace circular economy principles, and give priority to sustainable products in order to minimize the carbon impact of consumption (Scope 3).
To achieve significant progress in reducing global warming and safeguarding the environment for future generations, the shift to a low-carbon economy necessitates cooperation at all levels—individual, corporate, governmental, and international.

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