Climate change impacts every part of our planet. The sea is rising as the polar ice shields melt. Extreme heat waves and droughts are growing more frequent in certain areas, while rainfall and other meteorological phenomena are becoming more frequent in others. If we don't act on climate change now, these effects will only worsen.
Climate change is a real threat, and its effects affect every aspect of our existence. The primary effects of climate change are listed below.
Global Temperature rise
As stated, the global average surface air temperature has increased by around 1.8 F (1.0 C) globally during the last 115 years. This change has been attributed largely to emissions of carbon dioxide and other emissions (NASA). Heatwaves and other high-temperature extremes are becoming more frequent as a result of the climate catastrophe, which has also raised the average world temperature. Increased mortality, decreased productivity, and infrastructure damage can all result from warmer temperatures. The elderly and young children, who are the most susceptible, will be the most negatively impacted. The geographic distribution of climate zones is also predicted to change as a result of rising temperatures. Many plant and animal species, which are already under stress from pollution and habitat loss, are seeing changes in their abundance and distribution as a result of these changes.
Shrinking Ice Sheets
The warming of Earth’s atmosphere has also led to the accelerated melting of glaciers and polar ice caps. The Arctic, in particular, has experienced some of the most pronounced effects of global warming, with the extent of sea ice diminishing by approximately 13% per decade since 1979. The melting of ice contributes to rising sea levels, posing a severe threat to coastal communities and ecosystems. According to NASA, global sea levels have risen by about 20 centimeters since 1900, and the rate of rise is accelerating as ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica continue to melt. Rising sea levels threaten low-lying coastal cities and island nations, where flooding and saltwater intrusion into freshwater systems can lead to infrastructure damage, loss of arable land, and forced relocation. Some regions, such as the Maldives and parts of Southeast Asia, are particularly vulnerable and may become uninhabitable if current trends continue. Additionally, rising sea levels endanger marine and coastal ecosystems, including coral reefs, which are crucial for marine biodiversity and act as natural barriers protecting coastlines from storms.
Glacial retreat
One of the adverse impacts of climate change is the retreat of glaciers across the world i.e. in the Himalayas, Alaska, Andes, Alps etc. It is claimed that Alaska glaciers have lost mass, especially after 1984 where every subsequent year has shown ice mass lesser than the preceding year.
Decreased snow cover
Satellite analysis has shown that snow cover has gradually decreased over the past five decades and that the snow is melting faster (NASA).
Ocean Acidification
Oceans are sinks of carbon dioxide and absorb excess heat caused by GHG emissions. More than a quarter of the CO2 emitted in the atmosphere is absorbed by the oceans, leading to the warming of ocean waters at almost all levels and acidification of the oceans, which is detrimental to marine ecosystems (USGCRP, 2017).
Rise in Sea Level
One of the most worrisome impacts of climate change and global warming is the increase in sea level. Global warming, melting glaciers, and shrinking ice sheets have led to an increase in sea level. It is projected that there has been an increase of 7-8 inches in global mean sea level since 1900.
Other Effects
This apart, Climate change has affected the pattern of winds, a pattern of precipitation, and ocean circulation. This apart, oxygen concentrations at intermediate depths in oceans have shown a decline.